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Wise Beyond the Years

lifetime member Location: Wentzville, MO
Posts: 1917
My Collection
- Posted: June 9, 2012 9:40:47 pm
- I know a few people here try to collect every variant of ASM so I'm just wondering how complete your collections are? I place a good bid on every new variant but if I don't get it ... so be it. I'm more interested in a full run and then maybe I'll pick up variants that I missed.
Anyone here have almost a full set of variants for the past 200 or so issues? If so, how big is your run also?
My variant list is about 40% at most I'd guess, it's hard to see quickly. My run is basically 130 onward with a lot of issues below but still missing 60 probably .... only notables missing are #100 and #129 [saving up for a 8.5 or greater on that one.], and then of course #1-25 
See here for the series -
Comic Guru

Location: San Antonio, TX
Posts: 684
My Collection
- Posted: June 10, 2012 5:42:12 pm
- I managed to complete my ASM collection so I started collecting variants. As far as I know, I'm only missing 21 US variants. I've managed to pick up a few UK, Canadian, and Australian copies so far but, I'm not trying too hard at this point.
ASM Missing ----------------------------- 3 DVD giveaway (added to collection) 41 Toybiz Variant (added to collection) 129 Marvel Legends (added to collection) 129 Lionsgate 2nd Print (added to collection) 169 35 cent price variation (added to collection) 170 35 cent price variation (added to collection) 171 35 cent price variation (added to collection) 184 Detergent Giveaway (added to collection) 252 DVD Giveaway (added to collection) 252 Toybiz (added to collection) 300 CHROMIUM VERSION 300 Spiderman 3 Movie Variant (added to collection) 319 Shan Lon Variant (added to collection) 330 JC Penny (added to collection) 361 2nd print silver cover (added to collection) 400 Limited White Cover (added to collection) 432 Wanted Poster cover (added to collection) 437 Toybiz (added to collection) Ann 5 Stridex ad on back cover JC Penney 2nd Print (added to collection) 36 Black Issue with UPC symbol 667 Dell'Otto 1-100 (added to collection)
Last edited February 19, 2014 9:15:45 am

Location: Nova Scotia
Posts: 367
My Collection
- Posted: June 18, 2012 8:48:28 am
- I'm doing pretty good on the variants (not including 666, i'm @ about 85 of them down, and i may give up on getting the rest....) I have to double check my list i haven't updated it in months now...
Wise Beyond the Years

lifetime member Location: Midwest
Posts: 2614
My Collection
- Posted: June 19, 2012 1:12:21 am
- I have a pretty good run and with variants and all. I will tell you its just like adding a few more to the pot each month but its Amazing how much they add up and sometimes I forget all of them that I have until I look through them.
Sometimes I think about how much money I could get out of them and then I think what in the world am I thinking?
Wise Beyond the Years

lifetime member Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 1876
My Collection
- Posted: June 19, 2012 7:48:38 am
- A friend asked me once if I would ever consider selling my comics, and I actually had to wrestle with the idea for a while. I mean, in theory, one of the reasons I collect comics and take such good care of all of them is for the idea that they might appreciate in value. But then, on the other hand, I can't ever see myself selling them. So then I had to ask myself, why do I care about the value at all, if I'm never gonna sell them? Or do I figure I'll leave them in a will and the next person will sell them and make money? What exactly is my thought process there?
Still dont have an answer.
Wise Beyond the Years

lifetime member Location: Midwest
Posts: 2614
My Collection
- Posted: June 19, 2012 8:01:48 am
- At least I know I am not alone. I put them in my will however there have been and is still too many reasons to sell them off and yet I still keep buying. Sounds Dumb I know.
If I could only have a way to keep buying them and adding them to the collection after death.
Wise Beyond the Years

Location: Buffalo
Posts: 1189
My Collection
- Posted: June 19, 2012 8:30:22 am
- I'm not into the whole 666 chase. I have a couple, but I'm chasing the mainstream variants still. I am missing the following (starting at 300 up) I'm not going back further til I get these:
300 chromiun 301 toybiz 361,362,363 2nd print 400 white cover 408 w/cassette 438b v2 #1 dynamic force v2 #25 non-foil 528 sketch 546 sketch 568 dynamic force negative 568 sketch ( i have the con 1) 638 sketch 638 fan expo 639 sketch 648 campbell 648 campbell sketch 667 DelOtto 669 (bald guy, wooten, and flying colors) Wow! That's more than I thought. I'll get to them someday. I'm still working on the consecutive run as far as back ishes are concerned.
Wise Beyond the Years

lifetime member Location: Midwest
Posts: 2614
My Collection
- Posted: June 19, 2012 11:04:56 am
- 666

Another thought on what to do with my comics, I think I would like them buried next to me and get their own plot.
Wise Beyond the Years

lifetime member Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 1876
My Collection
- Posted: June 19, 2012 1:05:06 pm
- Im thinkin by the time I die, that would have to be a pretty big plot. As far as I'm concerned, I have only just begun my true collection.
On the topic of variants, I was wondering. Those that collect all variants, does that include 2nd, 3rd... printings? Or do you constrain yourself to 1st printings only?
Take something like Saga, for example (which is an excellent book, highly recommended). Saga #1 is currently in, I think, its 6th printing. But the cover really hasn't changed at all for any of the printings, apart from maybe some color palets. So for someone who needs to collect all variants, would you feel the need to collect all of the printings up to 6th, even though its basically the same, for the sake of completeness?
I ask because I feel a compulsion to collect full runs, but have never felt the need to include variants on that. So I need to have 1 of every issue (and it has to be a first printing), but I dont care to collect a copy of each variant. Instead, as long as I have one of the copies I feel fullfilled. So I was curious about the thoughts of those that feel the need to collect all variants.
Wise Beyond the Years

lifetime member Location: Midwest
Posts: 2614
My Collection
- Posted: June 19, 2012 1:08:31 pm
- I buy all printings thank that Marvel typically does not do more than 2 prints for most of the ASM but in the event they made a 3rd and 4th print I would buy it. I have to have them.
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