Found why the economy is trash. (Comic Book Forums)

  • Found why the economy is trash.

Author Discussion
  • Posted: October 14, 2011 4:09:02 am
  • Came across this on stumble and thought that I would share.

    The only thing I thought of is this is why my paycheck sucks!!!!!!!!!! Working in sales I come across people everyday who just don't have the money to redo there homes/kitchens. I work at Lowe's and have been designing and up until recently selling kitchen remodels for 8 years but with all the uncertainty in the stock market it is a hard sell now. Just seems that all of these people who are all WAY above my pay scale who sell immaterial objects (not to mention the banks) are slowly killing the rest of us. Like selling gift cards, are we now to expect that it is OK to make a profit on selling money? I guess that this is just another form of usurey. What the don't by me a gift card just give me the $20 in an envelope.

    Anyway, I am on way to work, maybe I can sell something today.

    Had a bad day yesterday and it is holding over today.
  • Posted: October 14, 2011 9:17:26 am
  • Sorry to hear that mate. Hope you hang in there alright.

    Personally I have fundamental issues with a lot of the system and the more I study politics - which is obviously closely tied to economics these days - the more I hate it. These are a small number of guys who play around with people's money and speculate on companies and non-existent cash that completely determines the fate of us 'average' people. One of the core tenets of liberalism (back during its inception in the 16th & 17th centuries) was that everyone should have a level playing field to enhance their own fortunes and livelihoods. Ultimately it's the reverse of that; those with money can advance their station and the rest of us are left to make ends meet (unless you're fortunate enough to get a break). Does an executive who oversees the operation of a bank deserve 1,000 times (or whatever) more than a garbage man who oversees our sanitation?

    I'm going to shut up now because I feel passionately about this and could go on forever but I don't think there is anymore damning statement than from the World Institute for Development Economics Research that 2% of the global population own 50% of global wealth. This is also echoed in If the World were a Village of 1000 People which (from memory) states that 20% of the population own 80% of the world's wealth.

    Kind of disgusting really
    'Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.'
  • Posted: October 14, 2011 7:19:51 pm
  • Thanks for the moral support, I am trying.

    Just rubs me raw when you get in debt up to your rear to pay for a college education that the government (along with all of my fellow enlightened citizens) decides that we no longer have a need for. I think that if I were teaching (I went to school to be an Art teacher) perhaps I would not feel so bad. The only other thing that bothers me is the fact that when I make my sales numbers, I bring home more than my wife who is a teacher. Just feel like the powers that be are manipulating the people that need help the most into themselves over and I am caught in the middle.

    "You know how I define the economic and social classes in this country? The upper class keeps all of the money, pays none of the taxes. The middle class pays all of the taxes, does all of the work. The poor are there... just to scare the out of the middle class. Keep 'em showing up at those jobs." George Carlin, Jammin' in New York

  • Posted: October 15, 2011 11:40:02 am
  • It is 10% of the population controls 90% of the wealth so the numbers are worse than you thought.

    Where do I begin, sales hmmmm well sales is what keeps the economy running and helps people and puts food on the table for you (Durer73) but sales is not a bad thing it is a great thing. With that said there is so much out there for the poor and middle class to get to be content with being where they are currently. Cell phones, cable/satellite that is designed to keep the poor and middle class where they are. After years of a struggle I cut the cord on TV and I pay $0 per month. I have Internet which there is a cost but as you know I use everything on the net, shows, movies you name it. once really cannot live without the Internet now a days. You can but it is more important than having a phone or TV.

    Cell phones well lets see if I pay $160 per month (cell phone average bill) towards my house payment each month I would come out ahead and be richer for it. On the same token I was paying under about $120 a month for TV. We all hold the keys in our own hands to success and failure but we (non rich) have it rough because society dictates to us to have Cell service (With all the bells and whistles.) and TV in every room with rewind and recording along with NICK for the kids or whatever. We all are victims of the RICH when we buy into these services.

    We cannot live without GAS for the car but we can manage without all the other overpriced services.

    When Nixon removed the US from the Gold and Silver backed financial system he created the storm of all storms and we are paying for it today. Banks (I have been in banking for 9 years in retail and corporate) can loan out $8 for every $1 you have in your savings account. Plus they charge interest on the money they are loaning out that they don't have and making a killing and paying you nothing in terms of interest they pay you. All banks are allowed to do this and the amounts may vary by the size of the bank.

    We are all DOOMED unless we take control of our own future and figure out that housing is not the thing people should be buying. (Rich people are hoarding up the houses in this market). The RICH do what others are not, people prefer to rent due to fear of losing money in a home but they are wrong, the people who over paid for their homes and have lost money were victims of over inflated home prices and preditory lending practices.

    When everyone is doing one thing they best thing for us to do is go against the grain.

    The gift cards are a way that the stores can count the income on their quarterly sales so they help pad the number on their earnings reports. The gift cards are all a game, just a way for the companies to inflate their earnings and they are gambling that the person who has the card will not spend every penny. If every left 0.10 on their gift cards the company would come out ahead in money and in merchandise.
  • Posted: October 16, 2011 12:27:28 am
  • Silent, that's WAY worse. Way to crush my fragile innocence even further Laughing

    You make some good points that I would love to comment on, but the Rugby World Cup semi-final is just about on so now is not an option!
    'Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.'
  • Posted: October 16, 2011 7:53:48 am
  • I would like to add I am no longer in banking so thats ok to bash bankers. I was just a peon as they call them but I know how their system works and how to avoid most (not all) fees with the banks when needed.

    I would love to hear your additional comments. The thing is this the rich control the education boards and the like, college is now a financial trap and though it did not use to be this way it is now. Public schools and college alike does not teach the students subject matters that will put them on a road to prosperity. Instead they set up kids for failure by filling them with illusions of grandeur.

    Public schools need to do a lot of things but that will never be done because the RICH control the educational systems and public schools is the RICH's mindless peon breeding ground. RICH people breed RICH people its that simple. Everyone else is "grown" to work at McDonalds and fill the GAPS for jobs thta pay didler squat.
  • Posted: October 16, 2011 8:15:36 am
  • Anyway, Australia lost, I've had a cry and now back to it.

    Although food, shelter and clothing are forever necessities, it's true that in the more developed countries things like a cell phone, and particularly internet access, have become secondary necessities. It's almost like the poorer members of society have deliberately been given a taste of net, tv and mobiles and the thought of not having them has become unthinkable and is yet another expense to squeeze in. The cost of everything from food stuffs, utility bills and gadgets to real estate has meant that it's quite normal in Australia for people to live with their parents right up until they are 30.

    We are only victims of the rich when buying these services in that the profit margins are extreme in a lot of cases. Morals go out the window the moment a dollar is dangled in front of someone's eyes. I have to admit that I subscribe to a pseudo-Confucian ideal of 18/19th century China in that the people that either profit from someone elses misery or deliberately charge more knowing people need it are regarded as the lowest form of life.

    We cannot live without gas, true. However, the only reason that it's still the dominant resource (at least as far as vehicles) is that petrol companies have created a joint monopoly. The electric car has existed since sometime during the 1930s, yet as you can imagine, this was a threat to the burgeoning trade in petroleum. Sometimes I wonder how deep their control goes; I mean i'm not a conspiracy theorist but a team of guys at Berkely (or some such) actually even developed a functioning engine that ran on salt water but couldn't find funding.

    Though I agree though that the removal of the gold-GDP(per person) wasn't such a great idea, it must be remembered that with the capital flowing around these days, keeping these gold reserves would be an increasingly difficult prospect. I find it hard to fathom that alot of the capital that shifts across the globe is just paper money; it doesn't exist in any sort of tangible form beyond companies saying that it exists.
    Speaking of banks, I find it ironic that some of the first banks of England and particularly Renaissance Italy, it was illegal to charge interest. Of course those richer customers' money was looked after better because they gave them some extra gold but it meant that the poorest weren't made poorer according to law.

    Well I can't pretend that I know much about economics. All I know is that the level of inequality that still exists today depresses me, and I worry about how I will ever be able to afford to buy a house without being in debt til I'm dead.

    I guess I am fortunate Durer, in that I can defer my college fees and instantly get a HECS debt, which means that I will only have to pay my Uni fees as long as I earn more than $44,000 (and even then it's a sliding scale according to how much you earn post-University).
    'Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.'
  • Posted: October 16, 2011 8:43:22 am
  • I just have been feeling really down lately. I get hammered every day about sales and there is nothing I can do about. Additionally I recently purchased a home after renting for about 10 years. The house I rented was valued at about 40,000 and after 10 years of renting I paid 36,000 on the home my last months power bill at my old address was $600.

    The home was 120 years old and I could not get the landlord to fix anything, no insulation, broken windows, bathroom, back porch you name it. With all of that when my landlords wife/workers went to my mother and informed them that I left the home a mess and that they had to fix it. For 10 years I increased the wealth of this person who was already better off than I will probably ever be thanks to college, have nothing to show for it and they now complain about the things that I have been asking them to fix for years. So, I found a good deal on a foreclosure and purchased it. Now I have lowered my power bill and at least am putting my money into something I own.

    I have 2 cars that I am paying on, cellphone, internet, cable and I do not know what to cut. Started purchasing comics online couple of years ago to save money, both of my cars get above 30 miles to the gallon and on the home phone I only have a lifeline.

    The cost of everything is just to much today and companies continually want to charge for what until recently was free with the claim that it is a premium feature. I see this and hear the people that I work with daily claim that young people don't know how to save or spend their money wisely. This is from people who grew up when TV was free broadcast, there were no cellphones, internet and you could buy a loaf of bread for a quarter.

    I think that everything is overpriced to the point where it can not change and will not until a riot breaks out in the US. The problem is that with the burden of student debt and the fact that no one has any savings anymore we can't leave work to protest. It has become go to your job and have a home or protest and be homeless. And the wealthy need some more tax cuts to create jobs after all the largest company in the US GE paid little to no taxes last year and they have created more jobs right.
  • Posted: October 16, 2011 8:45:28 am
  • SilentAssassin said:
    I would like to add I am no longer in banking so thats ok to bash bankers. I was just a peon as they call them but I know how their system works and how to avoid most (not all) fees with the banks when needed.

    I would love to hear your additional comments. The thing is this the rich control the education boards and the like, college is now a financial trap and though it did not use to be this way it is now. Public schools and college alike does not teach the students subject matters that will put them on a road to prosperity. Instead they set up kids for failure by filling them with illusions of grandeur.

    Public schools need to do a lot of things but that will never be done because the RICH control the educational systems and public schools is the RICH's mindless peon breeding ground. RICH people breed RICH people its that simple. Everyone else is "grown" to work at McDonalds and fill the GAPS for jobs thta pay didler squat.

    I'd love to hear your further thoughts on banking then, since the ins and outs escape me a bit.

    My mum's a teacher, and I have to be careful to mention the Education Department or she starts ranting and raving Laughing The whole system here is just beyond belief and a lot of the problem lies in that it isn't former teachers who call the shots. It's so stupid. I don't see how someone who has never been employed within the education sector can know what's best for it if they haven't worked at the ground level. The same goes for health too.

    I may be kind of fortunate that i've chosen History as one of my majors as it is going to be introduced from 2014 onwards as a significant part of high school/college curriculum to make up for a perceived short-coming in knowledge of the past. I may be able to slot right in considering the lack of history teachers
    'Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.'
  • Posted: October 16, 2011 8:59:48 am
  • BroMagnon said:
    I may be kind of fortunate that i've chosen History as one of my majors as it is going to be introduced from 2014 onwards as a significant part of high school/college curriculum to make up for a perceived short-coming in knowledge of the past. I may be able to slot right in considering the lack of history teachers

    Maybe I need to move to Australia, I majored in art and have a minor in history and education.Smile
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