The Free Comic Book Price Guide & Community

  • Paladin90126 | Male

Viewing Paladin90126's Collection

Pile Book Count
Sale Box 1,715
Audrey VZ 313
Caitlyn VZ 375
Erik VZ 275
Aquaman 83
The Avengers 1,201
The Barbarians 505
Batman 1,823
Captain America 638
Daredevil 477
DC Cowboys 59
DC Miscellaneous 1,161
DC Number 1's 1,345
The Defenders 187
Doctor Strange 182
Fantastic Four 562
Flash 210
Ghost Rider 149
Green Lantern 242
Horror IND 911
The Inc. Hulk 603
Independent Misc. 4,067
Ind. Number 1's 8,276
Iron Man 484
Justice Leagues 627
Man-Thing 34
Marvel Cowboys 48
Marvel Misc. 1,741
Marvel Mutants 601
Marvel Number 1's 1,794
Micronauts 46
Military Comics 239
Moon Knight 226
The Punisher 247
Space Comics 253
Spider-Man 727
Superman 618
Teen Titans 253
The Thing 113
Thor 502
VZ Showcase 978
Wolverine 511
Wonder Woman 221
X-Men 1,230