Series |
Vol |
Years |
Book Count |
22 Brides |
Mini |
1996-1997 |
9 |
52 |
2006-2007 |
1 |
Adventure Comics |
Vol. 1 |
1938-1983 2010-2011 |
3 |
The Adventures of Superman |
Vol. 1 |
1987-2007 |
35 |
Aliens vs Predator |
Mini |
1990 2010 |
2 |
The Amazing Spider-Man |
Vol. 1 |
1963-1998 2003-2014 |
4 |
Ascension |
1997-2000 |
15 |
Ash / 22 Brides |
Mini |
1996-1997 |
10 |
Astonishing Tales |
Vol. 2 |
2009 |
1 |
Astonishing X-Men: Xenogenesis |
2010-2011 |
1 |
Avatar the Last Airbender / Star... |
One-Shot |
2011 |
1 |
Avengelyne |
Vol. 2 |
1996-1997 |
9 |
The Avengers |
Vol. 1 |
1963-1996 2004 |
2 |
Avengers & the Infinity Gauntlet |
Mini |
2010-2011 |
2 |
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes |
Vol. 2 |
2007 |
5 |
Batman |
Vol. 1 |
1940-2011 |
8 |
Batman / Tarzan: Claws of the Cat-Woman |
Mini |
1999-2000 |
7 |
Batman Beyond |
Vol. 3 |
2010-2011 |
1 |
Batman: Arkham City |
2011 |
1 |
Batman: Confidential |
2007-2011 |
1 |
Batman: Dark Knight |
Vol. 1 |
2011 |
1 |
Batman: Odyssey |
Vol. 1 |
2010-2011 |
1 |
Batman: Streets of Gotham |
2009-2012 |
1 |
Battletide |
Vol. 1 |
1992-1993 |
10 |
Black Orchid |
Vol. 2 |
1993-1995 |
10 |
Black Panther |
Vol. 5 |
2009-2010 |
7 |
Blackhawk |
Vol. 1 |
1957 - 1984 |
1 |
Blair Witch Project |
One-Shot |
1999 |
9 |
Bloodfire |
1992-1993 |
9 |
The Boys |
2007-2012 2021 |
1 |
The Boys: Highland Laddie |
2010-2011 |
1 |
Brand New York: What Justice... |
One-Shot |
1997 |
9 |
Breed |
Vol. 1 |
1994 |
8 |
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8... |
2007-2011 |
1 |
Cable |
Vol. 1 |
1993-2002 |
9 |
Captain America |
Vol. 5 |
2004-2010 |
2 |
Captain America and Crossbones |
One-Shot |
2011 |
1 |
Chronicles of Wormwood |
2006-2007 |
6 |
Codename: Danger |
Mini |
1985-1986 |
8 |
Crazyman |
Vol. 2 |
1993-1994 |
10 |
Curse of the Spawn |
1996-1999 |
1 |
Cy-Gor |
1999 |
10 |
Cynder |
1995 |
7 |
Daredevil |
Vol. 1 |
1964-1998 2009-2011 |
1 |
Darker Image |
One-Shot |
1993 |
9 |
Dead Enders |
2000-2001 |
1 |
Dead of Night: Devil Slayer |
Mini |
2008-2009 |
1 |
Deathmate |
1993-1994 |
32 |
Digitek |
Mini |
1992-1993 |
10 |
Doom 2099 |
1993-1996 |
10 |
Doom Patrol |
Vol. 5 |
2009-2011 |
1 |
Doomwar |
2010-2011 |
1 |
Drakuun |
1997-1999 |
2 |
Dreadstar |
Vol. 1 |
1982-1986 |
10 |
Enigma |
1992-1994 2014 |
11 |
Eternals |
Vol. 4 |
2008-2009 |
1 |
Excalibur |
Vol. 1 |
1988-1998 |
10 |
Excalibur: Mojo Mayhem |
One-Shot |
1989 |
6 |
Fantastic Force |
Vol. 1 |
1994-1996 |
10 |
Fantastic Four |
Vol. 1 |
1961-1996 2002-2012 2015 2018 |
1 |
Franklin Richards: It's Dark Reigning... |
One-Shot |
2009 |
1 |
Freedom Fighters |
Vol. 2 |
2010-2011 |
1 |
G.I. Combat |
One-Shot |
2010 |
1 |
Gen Active |
2000-2001 |
21 |
Generation X |
Vol. 1 |
1994-2001 2018 |
10 |
Geomancer |
1994-1995 |
9 |
Ghost Rider: Trail of Tears |
2007-2008 |
1 |
Good Guys |
1993-1994 |
10 |
Green Arrow |
Vol. 5 |
2010-2011 |
2 |
Green Hornet |
Vol. 4 |
2010-2013 |
1 |
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors |
2010-2011 |
1 |
Grendel: War Child |
1992-1994 2002 |
6 |
Grifter |
Vol. 2 |
1996-1997 |
7 |
The H.A.R.D. Corps |
1992-1995 |
7 |
Hellhole |
Mini |
1999 |
27 |
Hellstorm: Prince of Lies |
1993-1994 2020 |
20 |
Heroes Reborn: Masters of Evil |
One-Shot |
2000 |
10 |
Hulk |
Vol. 3 |
2008-2012 |
3 |
Igrat |
1995 |
19 |
The Incredible Hulk |
Vol. 1 |
1968-1999 2009-2010 |
9 |
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the... |
Mini |
2008 |
1 |
Invincible Iron Man |
Vol. 2 |
2008-2012 |
4 |
Iron Man |
Vol. 1 |
1968-1996 |
3 |
Iron Man & Force Works: Collector's... |
One-Shot |
1994 |
1 |
Iron Man 2: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. |
One-Shot |
2010 |
1 |
Iron Man 2: Public Identity |
Mini |
2010 |
1 |
iZombie |
2010-2012 |
1 |
Joe the Barbarian |
2010-2011 |
1 |
John Byrne's Next Men |
Vol. 1 |
1992-1994 |
1 |
Jon Sable, Freelance |
1983-1988 |
8 |
Judge Dredd: Henry Flint Collection |
2008 |
1 |
Justice League: Generation Lost |
2010-2011 |
2 |
Kato Origins |
2010-2011 |
1 |
Kid Eternity |
Vol. 2 |
1993-1994 2015 |
10 |
Knights of the Dinner Table |
Vol. 2 |
1996-Present |
10 |
Knights on Broadway |
Mini |
1996 |
9 |
Lady Deadpool |
One-Shot |
2010 |
1 |
Leonard Nimoy's Primortals |
Vol. 2 |
1996-1997 |
9 |
Life of a Fetus |
2000 |
9 |
Loki |
Vol. 2 |
2010-2011 |
1 |
The Lone Ranger |
Vol. 3 |
2006-2011 |
1 |
Magnus, Robot Fighter |
Vol. 2 |
1991-1996 |
8 |
Marvel Adventures: Super Heroes |
Vol. 1 |
2008-2010 |
1 |
Marvel Apes |
Mini |
2008-2009 |
1 |
Marvel Comics Presents |
Vol. 1 |
1988-1995 |
9 |
Marvel Super Hero Squad |
Vol. 2 |
2010-2011 |
1 |
The Maxx |
1993-1998 |
18 |
Meridian |
2000-2004 |
7 |
Metal Men |
Vol. 2 |
1993-1994 |
19 |
The Micronauts |
Vol. 1 |
1979-1984 |
10 |
Mystic |
Vol. 1 |
2000-2004 |
7 |
Nausicaä of the Valley of Wind |
1990-2012 |
8 |
The Next Nexus |
Mini |
1989 |
2 |
Nexus |
Vol. 2 |
1985-1991 |
2 |
Omaha the Cat Dancer |
Vol. 2 |
1986-1994 |
20 |
Phantom Force |
1993-1994 |
4 |
The Phoenix Resurrection: Genesis |
One-Shot |
1995 |
11 |
Predator |
Vol. 3 |
2009-2010 |
2 |
Predator vs Magnus, Robot Fighter |
Mini |
1992-1993 |
1 |
Prototype |
1993-1995 |
9 |
Punisher 2099 |
1993-1995 |
20 |
Queen Sonja |
2009-2013 |
1 |
Raise the Dead 2 |
Vol. 2 |
2010-2011 |
1 |
Ravage 2099 |
1992-1995 |
10 |
Red Sonja |
Vol. 4 |
2005-2013 |
1 |
The Remarkable Worlds of Professor... |
Mini |
2000-2001 |
7 |
Ripclaw |
Vol. 1 |
1995 |
10 |
S.H.I.E.L.D. |
Vol. 1 |
2010-2011 |
2 |
Sam and Twitch |
1999-2004 |
1 |
The Sandman |
Vol. 2 |
1989-1996 2022 |
9 |
The Savage Dragon |
Vol. 2 |
1993 - Present |
1 |
Scion |
2000-2004 |
12 |
Shadowhawk III |
Vol. 3 |
1993-1994 |
10 |
Shadowman |
Vol. 1 |
1992-1995 |
1 |
Sigil |
Vol. 1 |
2000-2004 |
10 |
Skeleton Key |
Vol. 1 |
1995-1998 |
9 |
Spawn |
1992-Present |
16 |
Spawn: The Undead |
1999-2000 |
8 |
Spectacular Spider-Man |
Vol. 1 |
1976-1998 2011 |
6 |
Spider-Girl |
Vol. 2 |
2011 |
1 |
Spider-Island Spotlight |
One-Shot |
2011 |
1 |
Spider-Man |
Vol. 1 |
1990-1998 2020 |
2 |
Spider-Man and the Black Cat: The... |
2002 2006-2007 |
5 |
Spider-Man Magazine: Great Power |
Magazine |
2007 |
1 |
Spider-Man Unlimited |
Vol. 1 |
1993-1998 |
6 |
Spider-Man Unlimited |
Vol. 3 |
2004-2006 |
1 |
Spider-Man: Funeral for an Octopus |
Mini |
1995 |
3 |
Spider-Man: With Great Power... |
2008 |
2 |
Spider-Woman: Origin |
2006-2007 |
5 |
Squadron Supreme: Hyperion vs Nighthawk |
Mini |
2007 |
2 |
Star Trek Unlimited |
1996-1998 |
10 |
Star Trek: Next Generation - Killing... |
Mini |
2000-2001 |
9 |
Star Wars: Blood Ties - Boba Fett is... |
Mini |
2012-2013 |
2 |
Star Wars: Darth Maul - Death Sentence |
Mini |
2012 |
1 |
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ghost... |
2012 |
1 |
Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith -... |
2012 |
1 |
Stone |
Vol. 1 |
1998-1999 |
8 |
Stone |
Vol. 2 |
1999-2000 |
10 |
Stormwatch |
Vol. 1 |
1993-1997 |
8 |
Strange Weather Lately |
1996-1999 |
20 |
Strangers in Paradise |
Vol. 3 |
1997-2007 |
9 |
Stupid, Stupid Rat Tails |
Mini |
1999-2000 |
8 |
Superman |
Vol. 2 |
1987-2006 2019 |
1 |
Superman & Batman vs Aliens & Predator |
Mini |
2007 |
1 |
Superman vs Aliens |
Mini |
1995-1996 |
2 |
Superman vs Aliens 2: God War |
Mini |
2002 |
4 |
Superman: Last Son of Krypton -... |
One-Shot |
2013 |
1 |
Supreme: The Return |
1999-2000 |
12 |
Sweetmeats |
One-Shot |
1993 |
8 |
Tales of The Darkness |
Mini |
1998 2001 |
9 |
The Tenth |
Vol. 3 |
1999 |
9 |
Terror Inc.: Apocalypse Soon |
Mini |
2009 |
1 |
The Thanos Imperative |
2010-2011 |
1 |
Thorr-Sverd: The Sword of Thor |
Mini |
1986-1987 |
10 |
Thunderstrike |
Vol. 1 |
1993-1995 |
9 |
Torchwood |
Vol. 1 |
2010-2011 |
1 |
Transformers Prime |
Mini |
2010-2011 |
1 |
Transformers: Sector 7 |
2010-2011 |
1 |
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter |
Vol. 1 |
1993-1996 |
20 |
Ultra Monthly |
1995-1996 |
6 |
Uncanny X-Force |
Vol. 1 |
2010-2013 |
2 |
Unknown Soldier |
Vol. 1 |
1977-1982 |
1 |
Violator |
Mini |
1994 |
8 |
Wild Thing |
1999-2000 |
10 |
WildCats Trilogy |
Mini |
1993 |
4 |
Wolverine and Gambit |
2000-2004 |
46 |
Wolverine: Best There Is |
2011-2012 |
4 |
Wolverine: The End |
2004 |
1 |
X-Factor |
Vol. 1 |
1986-1998 2010-2013 |
7 |
X-Files |
Vol. 1 |
1995-1998 |
20 |
The X-Files: Fight the Future |
One-Shot |
1998 |
11 |
X-Force |
Vol. 1 |
1991-2002 |
7 |
X-Force: Sex and Violence |
Mini |
2010-2011 |
1 |
X-Man |
1995-2001 |
7 |
The X-Men |
Vol. 1 |
1963-1981 |
2 |
X-Men |
Vol. 2 |
1991 - 2008 |
1 |
X-Men: Curse of the Mutants - Blade |
One-Shot |
2010 |
4 |
X-Men: Legacy |
Vol. 1 |
2008-2012 |
13 |
Xombi |
Vol. 2 |
2011 |
1 |
Youngblood |
Vol. 1 |
1992-1994 |
18 |
Youngblood: Strikefile |
1993-1995 |
29 |