Sparten Gold (A Fargo Adventure) by Clive Cussler Normally Cussler's books are solid gold, great stories, great characters, and a dose of history. So it saddens me not to give great kudos for his new book and characters, the Fargo's. The stories history wasnt easy to follow and it meandered all over the place. Clive is the king of the adventures and the adventurous parts that were great. If it a ongoinging development of the characters, then i will try them again. I belive there is something there and room for inprovement. If Mister Cussler is reading this, I dont know if he is but that would be awesome, please keep going with the Fargo's. I have been a fan of Clive Cussler since my father introduced me to Dirk Pitt. I have read everything he has writen, sometimes as many as 2 or 3 times. Dirk Pitt is one of the greatest literary characters of all-time, and I wouldnt mind seeing a couple more join him. RATING 2 of 5