Welcome back to Longbox Junk! Home of comic reviews you never knew you wanted!
It's been a bit busy at work because of some unusually brisk holiday business, but that's coming to an end and there will be plenty of Longbox Junkin' to be had during the slow winter months ahead.
I'm not QUITE done with the next Off-Brand One Shots entry (maybe another day or two and it will be up), so I'm going to take this opportunity to welcome the readers of Longbox Junk into 2020!
I truly do appreciate the readers of this blog. There are a LOT of comic review blogs and sites out there. The fact that you choose to spend a bit of your precious time here reading my nonsense is just an amazing thing to me, so once again my heartfelt thanks!
Here's my New Year wish. . .
DISCLAIMER: This is aimed mostly at U.S. readers. The sentiment is still the same for any International readers, just mentally adjust the words to match your country's own specific craziness.
Look. . .this country is divided. There's political division even within my own family. I'm sure many of you are feeling the same sense of frustration and division I often do, no matter WHAT side of the political line you may find yourself on (and I'm not taking sides here or getting specific, so you can keep on reading).
The bad part about it is that as the year goes on, it's just gonna get worse. You know it and I know it. As we move toward next November, things are going to get extremely tense. There's no way any of it is going to end to everyone's satisfaction. There's going to be a lot of anger and frustration no matter what happens.
It is my sincere wish for everyone reading this that you please don't let politics take over your life. That you can step back and just relax a bit from time to time. Don't let what's happening in Washington affect you or your family in a bad way. Try to find ways to agree to disagree.
Here's a humble suggestion:
Any time the political mess starts getting to you, jump in your car and head to a comic shop. Walk right on past all the shiny new comics on the shelf and get yourself over to some back issue boxes. . .the cheaper the better. . .stuff in old yellow bags down there on the bottom shelf that hardly anybody ever looks through is the best. The bottom shelf is ALWAYS the best. Get on down there. Sit on the floor. Start digging.
I GUARANTEE that for at least a little while your mind will be eased as you dig through that pile of Longbox Junk. You won't have a single thought of politics while you look for the ONE nugget of gold you KNOW is buried in that box. And when you find it. . .Awwwww, YEAH!
And then start digging for the next one. . .
May you find happiness and prosperity in 2020!